Joined: January 6, 2012
Posts: 2
Posted: Post subject: DDO? Anyone? |
Hey all, i'm basically a D&D freak and when i found DDO i figured i would give it a shot and fell in love, anyone else out there play?
Please note that i haven't been able to play for a while due to technical difficulties (room mate FRIED my tower and i'm stuck on my new laptop coupled with my slow net i can't even load youtube vids) but those should all be taken care of shortly and i will be able to play again.
I play on Argonnessin (i butchered the name i know, but it's been a while)
Larvrae - LVL 16 Halfling Monk
i have others but they aren't worth mentioning at this point
Oh and i guess i made this to make in game contacts if anyone is interested, i have plenty of guild mates that i still talk to IRL and they are always looking for other players, new or vets.