nerdlingrising (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Just Saying Hello |
So, I just thought I'd drop in and introduce myself. I'm Caiti and I just got out of an almost three year relationship. At the moment I'm just looking for someone to just hang out with and have fun. Let's see... Star Wars wins over Star Trek (though Spock's ears do something for me. rofl). I love World of Warcraft but I haven't been able to play lately, internet is too sucky and I'm completely broke at the moment. I also enjoy League of Legends quite a bit when I feel like playing. I love reading though I don't read quite as often as I used to, just looking for some new good books to read. I used to play Magic: The Gathering quite a bit but I've quit playing cause honestly, when it covers your entire apartment and your ex plays non-stop, you get tired of it pretty fast, though I still love my werewolf deck. I've always been interested in playing table top roleplaying games like Warhammer and there's something a friend suggested but I can't quite remember it. I love Doctor Who, Supernatural, American Dad, New Girl, The Big Bang Theory, NCIS, and Criminal Minds (and much more). Music all depends on my mood honestly. I looove animals. I have 13 rats (because my hairless rat, Tibbers [named for Tibbers from LoL], had babies and we haven't been able to rehome them), a degu, and some gerbils. My family has several more animals but I won't get into that at the moment. I love body mods. I have several tattoos planned, one is designed up and ready to go, I just gotta get the money for it again.
Anyways..... Feel free to talk to me here or message me. I'm super duper nice! :D