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Neanderthal man

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Neanderthal man

Perhaps this is not the best way to start at a datin.. er, relationship site but still...

As I don't have any of the scientific data at my beck and call, and the subject matter being highly speculative as it is, I've listed it in this section of the Forum rather than the Science part.

Where does Neanderthal man fit in? (I'm talking about the 'other' intelligent human, not the atavistic troglodytes one finds at too many places nowadays).

If I remember correctly, Neanderthal men buried their dead, cared for crippled and elderly members of their tribes , and had more brains and muscles than Cro-Magnon men ('our' species).

In contrast, Cro-Magnon man practiced (at least at several places) ism (as shown in a certain defect in the mythochondrial/ 'mommy' DNA), few or any old/crippled burials have been found (so they probably 'went Eskimo' on those members of the tribe) , and had fewer brains than Neanderthals man.

If we presume Neanderthal man was capable of speech (as recent research has proved to be more likely), why is it Neanderthal man has died out, and Cro-Magnon has flourished?

I personally believe (hence the Deep Thoughts section, too ) it is because Neanderthal man was, simply put, 'nicer' than Cro-Magnon man. One might even say 'less of a social -Darwinist'. To me it's the only thing (so far) that makes any sense as in the brains and brawn department both species were basically the same.

HOWEVER, most major religions and philosophies favor 'nice' behaviour. Time and again we fail at it.
Many religions past and present harken back to a golden age /Garden of Eden etc. , basically saying everything went downhill since the beginning. Just watching the evening news strengthens this point of view.

Could it be that perhaps the 'wrong' species of men now walks the Earth?

Just something to ponder on and comment about

"The geek shall inherit the Earth" -Rainier Wolfecastle, The Simpsons
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

The fact that we can look back, and perhaps regret the outcomes of our sepcies, is reassurance enough for something... right?

Or that maybe all the things we do, the acts of violence and hypocrisy we commit, etc. are all the worse BECAUSE we do have a conscience... and yet we continue on this ceaseless rampage of self-destruction.

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