Joined: August 20, 2011
Posts: 29
Posted: Post subject: Retro |
I don't know about anyone else here, but as much as I love video games, I'm tired of keeping up. I'm perfectly fine with staying behind. Most of my favorite games were released a long time ago, and the only game I'd give the honor of a top ten mention from this gen is Fallout 3. I just tend to think I'm fine with what I have (which is already a lot), I see quality declining in various ways, I see prices getting too expensive, and I see policies getting more and more limiting and ridiculous. Especially all of this crap over the used game market, which is a perfectly legal thing. We've had them years before Gamestop; they were called "yard sales". Besides, they get the initial profit anyway, which is how it's always been for anything. The real problem is Gamestop's buyback rates. They'll pay you something like two dollars and resell the game for forty dollars. That's what needs to change.
Anyway, I'm just wondering if anyone else feels the same way.
 alikakadri (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`yeah, for most of what you said, prices are getting way up there, the used game issue, the quality is declining in a lot of games (although not all by any really depends on what you like and what you don't).
I'm chalking up the wish to eliminate second-hand purchasing because there's pressure on any business to keep a growing profit margin from above. if you cannot make more this year than the year before, you have a serious problem. Anyone who studied enough business/economy knows this. I really feel bad for those companies who can't come up with the next big thing because they are that much closer to closing their doors...
that's also what rules the trade-in prices at places like Gamestop.
Small businesses can cheat that, but huge companies with a famous name can't really get away with loopholes without being called out for fraud. It sucks for them who have to make quotas that are imposed on them and for the consumer who has to see prices rise.
As for that changing any time soon, not likely the whole economic system would have to be changed from the top for that to happen...and that's just not going to happen.
I do disagree about the games all being bad for this generation of games though. That's subjective and highly dependent on personal taste. You can't convince me that say Legend of Zelda (series) or Rune Factory Frontier aren't great games, plenty of content, adventure, puzzles to solve, a great story line and it may not be as difficult as the original gen of games as far as dying/surviving, but it's still harder than a lot of the 90's games, which I think catered to the lazy crowd that just didn't want to have to try so hard to get through a level, didn't want to have to restart (although having seen the original generation that began the video game era, young as i may have been, I also thought that the 1st gen was just brutal... it basically went from one extreme to the other and is just beginning to re-stabilize itself somewhere in the gray-shaded area of closer to not too hard and not too easy, but that's my opinion).
but yeah, prices are definitely having a lot of people re-visit the stock of games they already have. I've left a hint to Nintendo that their virtual console games, although I do like the larger bright screens on later models hand helds for example, the price is just too high when you can just get the older version as long as your older system still works perfectly fine... and let's face it, if you took care of them, they work as well as if they were brand new.
Me, I like fresh stock once in a while so things don't get too stale and boring, even with a large selection of older stock, there's only so many times you can repeat the same game, especially if it gets easier every time. I need new once in a while, even if it's new to me but old to everyone else, but new "new" can be good too.