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The Armory Wars

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July 10, 2007
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Has the armory wars come out in hot topic yet?

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`Its Amory Wars. No first 'r'
Good luck finding copies of them much of anywhere; they go out of print fast.

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March 9, 2011
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I own and run my own comic book store and I've had people come in and fanatically request that I carry this title. I still carry this comic now and as it turns out, the "fans" of the comic don't even care enough about it to buy or even read it for free. As I have a lot of downtime, I picked up the Amory Wars comic before knowing the "fans" true allure and after reading it I was insulted.

So many good things are being said by fans about the Amory Wars, but the story is in fact extremely weak and poorly written. For instance, all the planets in this universe are connected in a triangular pattern with no orbit, yet continue to have night and day on each planet. There are no suns for which each planet to orbit, yet there is light.

Another thing that got me in the storyline is that Coheed and Cambria (that's when the true allure started seeping through) kill each other and break off a piece of the intergalactic triangle to form our solar system (complete with sun to produce night and day). One of them ends up becoming a creature called the "Mon-star" and can't decide if he was trying to be funny or not, but my guess is no since it seems everyone wants me to take this comic seriously. If it is serious, then maybe the writer should have put a little more thought into the story.

Come to find out, that the writer and creator of Amory Wars is Claudio Sanchez who is in the band Coheed and Cambria and everything fell into place. The only reason this poorly thought out comic was produced was because they wanted to milk out some money from Coheed and Cambria. This seems to be the only reason anyone has to buy or read these comics and grade how good it is by how well they like the band. And looking further into it, Mr. Sanchez has another comic entitled "Kill Audio" (Claudio?) and the main character in Amory Wars is Claudio. Each rendition of himself is godlike with powers and uncanny resistance so I conclude that he is extremely egotistical on top of lacking in creativity.

This is a crime among comics that produce intricate and amazing plots to keep the format alive and kicking for so long. To think that people like Stan Lee, Grant Morrison, Frank Miller, Geoff Johns, and others had to actually work and go on merit, creativity, and talent to get to where they are just so a guy from a band could try to leech of what they've built.

The only thing I want to know is: "Is there anyone out there who actually likes this dribble that is not biased upon Claudio Sanchez?" I doubt it.

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