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Joined: January 26, 2012
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Huh never really thought about it
-I try to play old classic video games of my fav. series
-Have the whole deadpool series on my laptop
-Me and my friend argue tremendously over nerdy topics
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Joined: January 30, 2012
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Okay, why am I nerdy....
-I love pc gaming, I mostly play RPG's (Neverwinter Nights 2, Neverwinter Nights, Baldurs Gate 2, Drakensang, Dragon Age Origins, Mass Effect 2, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, Spellforce 2) and Simulations (Aquanox 1 and 2, Command and Conquer)
-I love super hero themes, comics and the ethnicity behind all that.
-I love classic console games (especially SNES). As an examples: Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore, Terranigma and Mystic Quest.
-I can talk hours over topics that other people would never talk about (philosophy, biology, physics, theory in super heroes)
-I love to read fantasy novels, from warhammer to normal dark fantasy (Die Orks, Enwor Saga and such)
-I like to write own inventions of pen and paper games, stories or stuff in general.
-And i like to play pen and paper games, tabletop games and some board games (warmachines, dnd, etc)
-Additionally I watch sci-fi stuff like Star Wars, Star Trek, Andromeda and Star Gate (my favorite is Andromeda! ).
-Played for a long time (nearly professionally) magic the gathering.
-I love to watch anime, especially shonen (Hunter X Hunter, Toriko, One Piece, Gurren Lagann, D.Gray Man, Full Metal Alchemist)
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Joined: February 8, 2012
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`Ever since I was little I knew I was different. I never knew what it was until a few years ago. I'm what you call above average or near-gifted if you wish. I always seemed to be ahead of my peers. It was a lonely road I will admit. But enough chit-chat! Let's get going shall we?
I love learning, science, games, art, and reading. My interests do tend to vary from time to time. I could spend hours pouring over a single topic and not tire of if until I feel that I have satisfied my curiosity, which is if I may add, a rare occurrence.
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Joined: February 20, 2012
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`What makes me a nerd you say?......
1. I argue regularly with large grown men about the best way to survive a zombie apocalypse. And win.
2. I read lots of books, but I really like YA fiction.
3. Doctor Who is slowly becoming the biggest part of my life.(I made my work schedule around it last season.)
4. I quote lines from B movies daily, such as The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Cry Baby
5.I can relate almost every topic back to art history and art history to anything in currant events
so much more but hay I think I proved my point.
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 kraynos (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Me? |
What makes me a nerd/geek:
I've seen every single episode of TNG, DS9, VOY and ENT.
I can code in several different languages: Java, C#, VB, C++, PHP, ASP, Ruby.
I read books about Quantum Theory out of actual curiosity and interest.
I can build a PC/Server from scratch AND create my own basic operating system to run it (very, very basic)..
I'd rather have a night in playing Minecraft than go to a club.
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Joined: January 11, 2011
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`I'm a bonefied old school science nerd.
The only code I tend to play with is the genetic code though.
I like technology and want to do stuff to push forward "Progress". This sort of sets me aside and outcasts me a bit from some of the other people around me at times, but not all of them. I hope to be a doctor and a research scientist eventually. I'd like to not have to go it alone the whole way though -_-; . I also very much like comic books and videogames.
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Joined: March 29, 2012
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`guess, im not that much of a nerd. i don't have any skills in that area.
except that i enjoy creatures - docking station, caesar 3 and broken sword. A LOT.
but i feel much more comfortable amongst people, that are accomplished in the nerd-sector.
i have many interests, though. im social, but not too much, because apart from shallow things, i dont have many things in common with the norm-person.
i have great and instant imagination, am interested in all sorts of science and philosophy and walk around for hours, because i enjoy it so much.
when it comes to information, im a sponge! and i love to connect the dots. i adore coherency.
i also own a lot of books, mangas and cds. i deeply care for the global internet-community.
no ill just throw this out there ;p
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Joined: April 7, 2012
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`Hm... This random list of facts might give a clue about what makes me a nerd...
1. I'm a big Zelda fan. No scratch that- I'm a big Zelda Ocarina of Time fan.
2. I've played the game and seen the ending more than once.
3. The first crush I've ever had was on Link (OoT Link, if he counts as a crush, lol)
4. I have about five different Zelda-related fanfics that I'm writing at the same time.
5. Most of my daydreams are fantasy-oriented, if not Zelda-related.
6. I'm big on stories that have some sort of adventure in them (strongly influenced by Zelda)
7. I'd like to meet Shigeru Miyamoto someday.
8. Did I mention that I love Zelda?
9. Oh, and I love all the Donkey Kong Country games on Snes! (DKC2 being my favorite)
10. And how could I ever forget Paper Mario
11. I can be very very random.
12. And that's all I have to say at the moment, besides that I love all the old games that I grew up, such as Sonic (the sega games and gamecube games), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life, Spyro (the first three games. NOT the games after those), Crash Bandicoot, Mortal Kombat (the second one of Snes, and the gamecube ones), and the list goes on.
I think I've said enough for now XD
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Joined: January 11, 2011
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`No worries.
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Joined: February 29, 2012
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`Hm… how am I a nerd. Well…
- My morning alarm is the Doctor Who theme song (season 10). My ring tone is “EXTERMINATE!â€Â. My text message indicator is “ASSIMILATE!â€Â
- I’ve watched all of the original Star Trek, TNG, and Enterprise. Favorite captain: Riker. BECAUSE THE TITAN IS A SHIP, TOO, DAMMIT!
- My primary hobby is Sci-fi/Cyberpunk/Steampunk prop design… in the form of modified Nerf guns. I also do non-Nerf props but you just can’t beat something that looks great and can also chuck a foam bullet substitute at your friends.
(Recent Examples: (removed))
- Speaking of Steampunk, I have a steampunk alter-ego: Professor Tobias Edward Lucious Landgrave. “Lucious†is spelled the correct way according to some early phonetic texts. I am also the kind of person who bothers crosschecking this stuff.
- My go-to TV miniseries are “The Future is Wild†or “Alien Planetâ€Â. And Firefly. OH SNAP! (Only mini in the sense that IT SHOULD HAVE GONE OF FOREVER.)
- I know every word to Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.
- I have read and watched all available Lord of the Rings/Hobbit material, including those Ralph Bakshi movies. I can also sing along to most of the songs in those Ralph Bakshi movies, including the ones in Elvish.
- I’m a bit of an otaku. By which I mean I have No-Face as a sticker on my laptop and Maromi as a plush dangling off the head of my bed to deter me from sleep when I have work to do.
- This sentence is the proof of one more way: I speak in iambic pentameter. It’s just a thing I used to do a lot. I have the skill, but do it less so now. The reasoning is that my friends protest. I absolutely have no idea why. I think them jealous of my quirky gifts. Or maybe they’re just really damn annoyed.
And there's probably a bajillion other ways I'm not listing for lack of remembering them.
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Joined: March 7, 2012
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`Reasons why I am a nerd (Oh, this is going to be good).
1. I write and have an extensive library consisting of fantasy, comic books and text books.
2. I once reprogrammed my copy of Baldurs Gate so all of the voice tracks were lines from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
3. I created complete and acurate interpretations of both the Marvel and DC universes on my Sims game.
4. My high school senior yearbook picture is a picture of me in a suit and tie, tearing my shirt open to reveal a Superman t-shirt.
5. I have about 14 long boxes of comic books and I can tell you where I got every single issue.
6. I modified my pistol grip airsoft shotgun to shoot fire so it can be like the one Johnny Blaze uses in Ghost Rider.
7. I have a collection of Hallowen costumes, one being a Luigi costume that I outfitted to shoot fire balls.
8. I'm often correcting people who say false things like, "The world will end on December of 2012." No it won't because during the Roman Empire, Caesar instituted the leap year. The Roman Empire happened after the Myan Calender, therefore if there was no leap year the current date would be somewhere around May 22, 2013. Also at the end of the Wizard of Oz when the scarecrow gets a brain and says the Pythagorian Theory he says it wrong, thus proving their conditions were psychosomatic. The scarecrow has no brain, the lion is still a wuss and the tin man is a souless abomination.
9. I love science. It's my drug of choice.
10. I often speak in movie quotes and am addicted to Angry Video Game Nerd videos.
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Joined: February 20, 2011
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`What makes me a nerd?
I love to play video games.
I love to read comics.
I love to debate who is better: Batman or Superman (its Superman).
I love spending an afternoon playing Magic the Gathering.
I want to learn how to play as many RPGs as possible.
I love reading fantasy and scifi.
Currently getting a degree in computers.
I love to learn about everything.
I love to play board games.
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Joined: June 21, 2012
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Well I'm currently busy as an animation student so I don't get to do this stuff as often anymore, but...
1. I play games all the time, mainly plat formers, adventure, puzzle, etc.
2. I have a webcomic folder with around 50 different webcomics bookmarked.
3. I watch a ridiculous amount of anime.
4. While my fellow students are talking about b--bs, I'm talking about Pokemon.
5. I really like to play chess
There's more, but I think that's a good overview.
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 dreamangelxx (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`Hm here are a few reasons that I can think of:)
-I'm a huuuuge Harry Potter fan and have HP action figures
-Han Solo is my secret love:p
-I'm fascinated by dinosaurs and that ancient world.
-My favorite subject is history
-I love Star Trek (especially the 2009 movie)
-I think Spock is possibly the hottest sci-fi characters:p
-If the power is out and I can't use my computer, I start to have withdrawls
-Spazz out everytime I watch a Harry Potter movie
-I think guys who spend their time video gaming and reading are way more attractive than guys who go clubbing.
-I was a big Smallville fan lol
-I love astronomy and learning about mysteriousness of space.
-I own several seasons of Spongebob on dvd
I'm sure there's more than that:p
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Joined: August 21, 2012
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Posted: Post subject: what makes me a nerd |
what makes me a nerd i love comic books i have a collection of graphic novels ranging from the crow to x-men walking dead spiderman and thats just a few though i def need more, i love Warhammer and play the one race that can be either fantasy or 40k also big fan of dungeons and dragons, magic the gathering,an ime, and im looking at buying a gun while a small part of me knows when i get one ill be waiting for zombie apocolypse, i am big into any gaming that doesnt involve breaking a sweat, and i have 3 tatoos (the nerdy part is one of them is blinky the 3 eyed fish from simpsons) there is more but im not writing a novel
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