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Joined: July 25, 2006
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Posted: Post subject: What is deep but another word? And what is a word? Tell me. |
This section is titled deep thoughts. Well I ask you, define for me the word deep. What does it mean? And I don’t want you to look it up in the dictionary. What does it really MEAN? Is it really just a word that we humans have given meaning to? Is it really merely something that we, as people, have taken to interpreting in the same way? More then likely. And although each person brings to the table a slightly different interpretation of the word based on their own experience…is it not still but a feeling that we all know to one extent or another.
Some people say that being deep is being spiritual or being in tune with who you are and your place in the universe. Some people think it’s deep to discuss religion over a pepperoni pizza. Deep is in itself just like every other word. Just like every other idea. It is something that we, as a people, as a race, have come to accept. It is something that we believe means something else. But why? Is it merely curiosity or a deeper desire? Is it merely a word or the collective embodiment of so much more? Does it symbolize to one person what it symbolizes to another? Does anyone really understand?
I don’t think so. Humans may be one race. They may deep down inside of their shells and bodies and masks of personality be a primitive being…but what else are they? Are they more? Are we more? Or do we only wish to be more? To be set apart from the animals as we call them? Are we truly any different or is our lie really that we strive to be what we are not? We here in this forum call ourselves nerds. We label ourselves with a word that other people bring meaning to. Some good. Some bad. But we use it in our own way, and each of us believes that it means something different then the person before.
If one word, one label, can describe so many people on so many different levels, is it really only one word? Or one word that means so much more? Sure we put definitions behind things, but do we use them? The world is not black and white. Words do not have one meaning. And in my opinion the word deep is ridicules. Should I speak of philosophy? Or religion? Or of my favorite type of cheesecake? Seriously now…you want me to be deep? You want others to be deep? Tell us what deep is! What do you think deep is? Tell me. I’m listening. Intently. |
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Joined: June 4, 2007
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I suppose one could sum that up easy enough.
The moment before you die. The very last thought that your matter can muster will be the deepest thought your capable of. It could be argued that all the existential dribble that your entire life is composed of, in one simple fleeting moment is nothing in comparison of the last breath that will define your entire life.
the real question should be posed then: what would be your thought? and would you allow it to be simple? darhma kia. |
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 blkraven (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
Deep is relative. There is no one direct definiton that fit all people. Deep is what you consider important to you. That last thought before you die may not be your deepest, but what is deep may be that thought you want people to remember you by, that sums you up at that moment in youre life. In my opinion that is deep, but then again i am only one person and that is MY definiton. |
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Joined: June 4, 2007
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so your existential about being existential? |
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 blkraven (deleted)
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LOL well......we are all guess you could say that, but you make is sound so, strange. I dont really view is as existentialism because i dont do philosphies no matter how individualistic they seem. That is just my thinking. I dont like to think that one definition covers everyone, there are too many people in the universe for that. |
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Joined: June 4, 2007
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so u r then. |
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 blkraven (deleted)
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As i said i dont do philisophies of any kind. So i am not. |
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Joined: August 6, 2007
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I agree that the word "deep" or any other word used to define a broad range of possibilities is relative. That, I believe was the intent of this forum to begin with. Start a conversation based on what you feel is "deep". Be it religion over pizza or the last thought at your own passing.
which is why my deep thought is, "why does a man in a blue jumpsuit yell "Spoon!"? |
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 oxfordp (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: That's deep, yo. |
Whoa man, this is all so deep. Hahaha.
I believe that most of us have a common understanding of the word deep, in that we can understand why someone else would call something deep, whether or not we really agree with them. Like, we would understand why someone who likes to avoid introspective analysis would call a conversation like THIS 'deep,' because to them, it goes beyond what they are ordinarily accustomed to dealing with mentally. To other people, something like this might not be deep, it might be pretty normal, if the person is someone who tends to have complex thoughts. But they still might identify themselves as having "deep" thoughts because they understand that the mass majority of the world would consider them as unusually introspective.
Deep, I believe, is ultimately something that takes us outside of routine. Something that delves below the surface of common everyday thought. It is analysis. It is questioning, exploring, wondering, concluding, and yes, it is different for everyone because we each have a different definition of what is 'ordinary' or 'shallow' thought, but we still all understand the notion of it. That is how we are able to disagree over what is deep and what isn't, because we all believe that deep should be something that challenges us or that moves us. That's where the common understanding lies.
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Joined: August 2, 2007
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Words in my opinion, appear to me to mean nothing. But without them we would have nothing. Words just connect ideas. Ideas in my opinion, appear deep, not words and words connect to ideas P2P (people to people) like a computer. In my opinion, the human race appears as a giant computer, linking ideas and evolving.
now that's deep!!!!!!! (notice that I never used the word "is", except for this one because I do want to place a truth value on it)
read robert anton wilson.
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Joined: September 15, 2007
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but without any value to truth then everything is a lie
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Joined: December 6, 2008
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What is a word? That is a fun discussion to have in a Linguistics class. Of course we all leave with our heads hurting. We've settled on a word is a morpheme, which is the smallest unit of meaning in a language. You can get fancier with that about the distinction of free morphemes and bound morphemes, and a word not really always being a free morpheme but rather a collection of free and bound morphemes. So I am going to ignore that stupid little side argument. Morpheme FTW.
I think you were getting more philosophical, but as a linguist, I can't really get more philosophical than that... XD
Boink |
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Joined: May 1, 2009
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`i belive deep thought is very important but i think over thinking is sometimes useless dont get too wraped up in one thing just look at it from another angle once in a while and live life in the moment wooooooo kill those deep though braincells with vodka yeah
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Joined: May 23, 2010
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deep is simply another english word we use to describe something that is the opposite of shallow. What one person believes to be deep may very well depend on their size, I am short, a body of water that is deep to me, may very well be shallow to another. No please take my metaphor and apply it to your question...if you can't, than in my eyes, you are not deep.
We are animals, therefor we are not set apart from them. We are no more than human. I promise this. I am not an alien, I am not a girrafe, I am a homosapian. ANd I am sory, but so are you.
and you aren't listening, you are reading. Last I checked humans haven't learned to hear with their eyes. and how do you know the world isn't in black and white? what if color is just an illusion, or perhaps, its because our eyes create color, as a tracking device, making us the ultimate hunters? and of course words don't have one meaning, and surely it is not one word, but many words in many different languages? many different minds?
I don't view your words as deep by the way ^_^ neither do I view my typed words as deep.
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 levitatingfrog (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`A word is a finite sequence of members of some set sigma. The set of all words generated by sigma is denoted sigma* and a language over sigma is any subset of sigma*. -formal language theory definition
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