I believe in God, Love, Honesty, Music, Video Games, Board Games, Role-playing Games, Food, Trying new stuff, Food... wait.. (lol.), .....
I believe in being yourself. I can be extremely oblivious sometimes. (My Camarilla joke goes "My character has Oblivion x4.") This means that I'm not gonna notice some things,... like if you're being fake... I won't catch on for a minute or two. But when I do,... Just .. be yourself, .. Please.
I get out of the Marine Corps in Sept. 2011. I'm NOT staying in. I've been with a chica who wanted me to stay in; it didn't work.
I'm from Georgia. I am typically a Southern Gentleman. I occasionally have this Boston accent that came from... *shrugs shoulders, mumbles: I don't know.* Anyways,... lol.
I don't know what I'm doing when I EAS. I have the heart of a writer, but I don't know if my medium is music, or games, or novels, or comics, or movies, or...
I have ADD.
..OK, I don't officially have ADD, but some days I'm pretty sure that if I got tested...
I have my own personal typed-sig that I sign just about everything with. It is a smiley I created that winks at you as he sticks his tongue out. It's patent-pending, so legally you can still steal it and I can't say much about it.

On my mom's fridge is a magnet that reads "How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?" I would be 8. I know this because every once in a while, I forget how old I am. Lol. So how old would you be?
I have 317 characters left as of the end of this sentence, and I don't know what else to write. First chica to ask me something gets to have their question answered here. As long as the site doesn't make that difficult. Lol.