Anywho, now that I got that out of my system what's up? For reference use, you may call me...MIKE! Sorry, no epic nickname. YET. Moving along! I totally love video games!

Also into Anime and Manga though I haven't been keeping up with anything recently. Bad me. DX Not really into any of the more recent anime. Gotta stick with the classics AKA Trigun, Outlaw Star, G Gundam, etc.
Oh yeah and I also (try to) draw! Got a DA page and everything! *insert shameless plug now* SazakuMitarashi if your interested. Look meh up. *end plug*
So I'm totally looking for awesome people to talk to about awesome things. It would also be cool if I could find a supah awesome chick to call me own.

That should be good enough but if not then give me a holler and we'll chat it up. Old school yo!