I'm looking to meet a woman with the same sort of Interests, and after we become friends, perhaps a relationship could come out of it.
Other than that, I enjoy the social scene. There's not much to do in my town besides Bars, bars, and more bars, which I'm fine with going to them, but I refuse to waste my life away in them, so I usually have to travel to Cape Girardeau, MO to find any real sort of entertainment.
I'm a heavyset guy, a smoker (want to quit), a social drinker, and enjoy both a busy night out on the town, or a quiet night in with friends playing videogames, tabletop games, etc.
I'd call my political affiliation as Independent, but much more Right swinging than Left.
My ideal woman is an independent woman. A college graduate with a job who is interested in finding a man for companionship, and not to pay her bills, and take care of her. I have no interest in working 40-60 hours/week so that my girlfriend/wife can sit on her butt all day playing videogames and watching TV.
As I said, I want to meet friends, and out of that, perhaps we can grow it into more.