280 lbs
Body Type
a few extra pounds, average, fat and proud, large, overweight, pleasantly plump, thick, voluptuous
Eye Color
black, blue, brown, glass, gray, green, hazel
Hair Color
auburn, black, blond, dark brown, depends on the day of the week, light brown, red, white / gray
African American, Asian, Biracial, Caucasian, Hispanic / Latino, Indian, Inter-racial, Klingon, Middle Eastern, Mixed Race, Native American, Other, Pacific Islander, Vulcan
Have Kids
no - definitely want them though
Education Level
ain't had no skoolin, Bachelor's Degree, college grad, currently in college, Doctorate, graduate school, high school grad, Master's Degree, post-Graduate, some college, some high school
Do you smoke?
chain smoker, cigarettes, cigarillos, cigars, clove cigarettes, daily, electronic cigarettes, hookah, like a chimney, only when I drink, pipe, socially
Do you drink?
beer, daily, like a fish, liquor, only blood, socially, alcoholic
Food Related
Hot Sauce on Everything, Japanese, Junk Food Junkie, Mediterranean, Mexican, Omnivore, Raw Food, Soul Food, Spicy, Sushi, Thai, Vegan, Vegetarian
Female, Intersex, Male, Not Sure, Transgender, Transgender-FTM
Fitness & Sports
snorkeling, snowboarding, soccer (U.S.), surfing, swimming, tai chi, tennis, triathlon, volleyball, walking, weightlifting, working out, wrestling, yoga, aerobics, archery, armchair quarterback, ballet, baseball, basketball, biathalon, bodybuilding, bowling, cycling, dancing, diving, fencing, football (International), football (U.S.), golf, gymnastics, handball, hiking, hockey, jogging, lacrosse, marathon, martial arts, parkour, pilates, pole dancing, rock climbing, rowing, rugby, running, scuba, skateboarding, skiing