Fav author is Garth Nix, favorite anime is (currently) Azumangah Daioh, TV show is Farscape, Religion is Mystery Science Theater 3000. Some of my many movie favorites include Labyrinth, Paprika, Jason and the Argonauts, Coraline, and Monsters vs. Aliens. Favorite novels include Abhorsen Trilogy, Abarat, Un Lun Dun, Skulduggery Pleasant, and Anansi Boys.
I'm looking for a fat, lazy girl with a big appetite. Fat girls are dreamy. I want somebody I can pamper. An ideal romantic day would involve her lying on the bed, watching DVDs or reading trashy novels while I pop chocolates into her mouth, cook delicious meels for her, and generally cuddle her, stuff her face, and attend on her every whim. X3
I want somebody who shares enough of my interests for us to talk long into the night.
Turn offs include high flesh to metal ratio, skinny girls, generic profile descriptions like "I like having fun (as opposed to the people who prefer misery?) I'm a down-to earth, real woman seeking a real man (so you're anti-cyborg and shapeshifter? ;-

Turn-offs also include people who think "fat" is a four-letter word and traditional gender roles.
If you are a fan of Annie Proulx or Stephenie Meyers, there can be no fond feelings between us.
I hope to some day reclaim the Young Adult Paranormal Romance genre to the realm of good writing. I'm a feeder, looking for a partner with an active s----l interest in gaining weight (a feed