I have very traditional values, and very strong morals, but also a very unusual mind and spirit... which truth be told can sometimes be at odds with one another. But I like the person its made me, and I think I'm looking for the same in a girl.
Something of a contradiction... a wholesome... sweet... tattooed and pierced... forked tailed little angel of a girl. Shy... but also fearless. Willing to do anything as long as we had each-other's backs...
I try not to be a jerk to people as much as humanly possible. Very importantly, I don’t LIE, really. My 8th grade English teacher had this thing about lying. She hated it. And she would dish out punishment twice as harsh if she caught students lying… so she taught me at an early age to break the habit. I hated that teacher, but I owe her for life for teaching me that lesson. Lying only bites you in the --- in the end.
I have a childlike sense of whimsy. And by that I mean, I like cartoons, I like toys, I like playing... I like Disney World, and things that are colorful, and crazy and completely off-the wall... including girls.
That's not to say I can't be an adult. I know how to act mature in adult situations, and can speak politely and intelligently in said situations. I’m a smart guy. I graduated from college with honors. I can treat serious situations seriously, just like the next guy. I just try to be laid back I guess. I’m a Toys ‘R’ Us kid. I enjoy bikes, trikes and video games.
I'm a little odd, a little strange, a little weird... but exceedingly sweet and wholesome.
I relate a lot to Butters from South Park. Happy little boy... kinda odd, sometimes a bit naive and clueless. But well-meaning. Endearing. Everyone likes him, and all he wants to do is be everyone's friend... but deep within him lurks a dark and untamed fury named Professor Chaos.
That's me in a nutshell.