here's my stats!
Name- unknown
Nicknames- D and batman,Heavyangel.
Place of birth- unknown.
First appearance- Sweden.
Gender- male.
Race- unknown.
height- 188 cm.
Weight- 85 kg getting bigger hehe!
Eye color- Green and brown depending on the mood.
Hair color- dark dark Brown.
strength- above average when consumption of spinach.
intelligence- above average for a guy.
handsome- Yes if you drink enough.
speed - really fast when the ice cream. truck comes!
athletic- Mmm getting there.
powers- unknown.
sexy- always! ,in my dreams hehe!
fun- when drunk!
witty- always in chinese. restaurants,don't ask me why!
honest- no I'm not honest,I get into to much trouble when I tell the truth.

daring- Yes!if you double dare me, you'll see!
weaknesses- chocolate!
origin- unknown