I tend to cycle through short-term addictions to specific brands of nerdery. For a couple of months at a time it'll be all about Zombies, then Star Wars, Star Trek, Comic Book heroes, video games... I like some anime, but it's not in the Top 5. I don't catch on to new things very quickly, largely because I have no regular TV service (just high speed internet, where I *ahem* stream shows and such). I do love to read and dabble in a bit of creative writing.
I have three little girls on the weekends - they are beautiful, bright, and wonderful (and not just because they're mine - others have repeatedly confirmed this).

I don't make a lot of money, largely because my job involves zero customer service and lets me drive all day listening to audio books, and it's difficult to give that up when I'm a man of fairly simple needs.
As to why I'm here... I guess I'm just tickling fate and seeing what happens. I'm in no hurry to move-in-with or marry anyone, and in truth I'm completely content keeping my own company 99% of the time. But it would be cool to perhaps meet a female of the species with whom I can connect and geek - and if more comes of it, awesome.
MTFBWY, Excelsior, Get to da choppa, yada yada blah blah...