i am huge on intellectual conversation. politics, religion, philosophy, science, the meaning of life, whatever. i'm also big into reading and writing, though i havent had as much time for these last two as i would like lately.
i play a lot of video games when given the opportunity. final fantasy 7-10, halo, starcraft, call of duty, lots of others. anything with a good story, lots of action, or something strategic.
i'm into all kinds of music, instrumentals are my favorite, followed by euro rock/metal and foreign music. will listen to and enjoy anything not rap or new age country. lindsay sterling, nightwish, kamelot, glitch mob, black sabbath, apocalyptica, gamma ray... just to name a few bands. if you like instrumentals and havent heard shadows by lindsay stirling, look it up. the violin is beautiful

i'm also big time into sci-fi and fantasy. books, movies, doesn't matter. love it. lotr, the ramma series, space odyssey series, star wars, star trek, pan's labyrinth, donnie darko, the fountain (don't laugh), and just about every decent movie or book in the 2 generas.
and yes, i watch anime. not all of it, the more childish ones i try to stay away from, but there are quite a few i enjoy. hellsing (ova and series), ghost in the shell, armitage, cowboy bebop, samurai champloo, perfect blue, spirited away, princess mononoke, blue gender, chrono crusade, redline and some others as well.
i can be a bit shy/guarded at first, i've had my share of misfortunes. but i'm actually a great conversationalist once i get to know someone. anything else,