some videogames I play regularly are diablo 3, world of warcraft, dota 2. I mainly play PC games nowadays because console gaming is so expensive! some of my favorite series' are legend of zelda, final fantasy, elder scrolls, resident evil. there's so many games i've played and enjoyed, it would take forever to list them all.
music that I enjoy ranges through all colors of the spectrum. I enjoy talented people, whether that be vocally/musically/lyrically. a few of the bands I've been listening to lately would be mc chris, beta radio, arcade fire, between the buried and me, fun., mewithoutYou, say anything.
movies I love include but are not limited to: quentin tarantino movies. zombie movies. (GOOD)horror/sci-fi movies. will ferrel movies. I will watch just about any movie at least one time. I feel like I am a good movie critic because i can find good and bad things in just about any movie.
i'm looking for a girl that i can hang out and play videogames, watch movies, go to concerts, and just spend time with. you don't have to share all of the above things. but a good general knowledge of nerdy things and tolerating my gaming hobbies is a must