I myself am a definite gamer geek (and classic console snob), but have quite the variety of interests outside gaming, and a history involving webcomics, chainmail, swimming, cooking and the great outdoors, not to mention two cross-country moves and touring parts of Europe and Japan.
I've long considered myself a Red Mage, but as of earning a nice expensive piece of paper, I think I've advanced to Red Wizard.
I speak fluent Windows, but I prefer Mac. Either way, I develop in *nix.
I have read the Silmarillion- yes, all of it- and the Books of Lost Tales. And all 5 books in the Hitchhiker Trilogy.
I think I've been to more musicals than movies, at least if you count the ones I played for.
I was watching Doctor Who well before David Tennant, but he is one of my favorites.
Among the possessions I packed for 3 months in a strange land are over a dozen varieties of quality tea, most of it loose-leaf.
I'm not much for bars and clubs, but quite enjoy long, stimulating conversations.
If you're in the area, I'd be up for anything from casual chat to going out somewhere. If you're not in the area... I'm starting to feel that's more of an impediment than I first imagined, but I'm not one to write anything off as impossible

Also, I tend to write entirely too much given the chance.