I have an associates degree in computer programming. For those of you who are interested in astrology, I am an Aquarius.
I'm really interested in music, anything computer-related, and anime. It should be a crime not to include grunge in music genres. I live and breathe grunge and late 80s to mid-90s fashion. I'm a huge fan of Star Wars and the X-Men. I used to play a lot of videos games, too much in fact, that I significantly decreased my playing time. I play electric guitar, and I enjoy photography and writing.
My current short-term goals consist of receiving a Technician ham radio license and a certification in MySQL 5.
My medium-to-long-term goals consist of landing a job in database programming and design, as well as forming my own band. I have written enough songs for at least two full-length records (maybe even three), so I am very determined to record them and then release them once I find the right band members.
Side note: It's quite unnecessary for this site to disable drop and paste for text inputs in their JavaScript.
At one point, I had the entire Empire Strikes Back movie memorized line-for-line, from which I gained the uncanny ability to blurt out a Star Wars quote for nearly every situation.
When I was around 12 or 13, I attempted to construct my own lightsaber, but I failed.
I look forward to establishing peaceful contact with a female geek/nerd and developing diplomatic relations with her