Hello there, my name is Don. My realm of geekdom is rooted firmly in being a gamer. Sorry, but I couldn't tell you the diffrence between a TCP/IP and T.C.B.Y., other than the fact that only one serves delicious frozen yogurt. Beyond being an avid gamer on all the systems out there, I'm also a self-accepted history geek (as evidenced by my B.A. in History and now moving on to my master's, as well as a fan of sci-fi and the paranormal, though by no means hard-core. I'm an avid watch of Stargate Atlantis, my poor Firefly DVD set, the occaisional Trek episode and Ghost Hunters. I also love to go to the movies as often as time and funds allow, failing that, I'm neve roen to pass up spending a night just watching random movies from my DVD collection. Still not sure what posessed me to sit through all of the Alien movies the other night...ohh...that's right...monsters in space and big guns and explosions.
I tend to have a sarcastic sense of humor (though never in a mean or hurtful way, unless the person has earned it) and some people have actually told me there are times when they can't tell if I'm being sarcastic or not (a compliment...I think). I'm pretty laid back and love to laugh. My mind does tend to wander out by itself sometimes, so expect the odd random moments. I guess I would also say I'm nomrally a little shy at first when getting to know someone, but that's not always the case. Really though, I do have a big heart, and hope to meet someone to share it with.
So, if you'd like to chat it up, drop me a line!