Orpheusothello, 34

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San Diego, CA, USA

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Artist Look for a Muse
About Me
Gender Male
Orientation Straight
Height 5'07"
Weight 140 lbs
Hobbies & Interests acting, cooking & recipes, cosplay, dancing, history, magic, movies, music, nature, painting, photography, reading, sculpting, writing
Body Type fit, skinny
Movies animation, drama, fantasy, horror, indie, sci-fi
Eye Color brown
Hair Color dark brown, light brown
Ethnicity African American, Inter-racial
Relationship single, single - never married
Have Kids no - definitely want them though, no - maybe with the right person, no - open to adoption
Education Level college grad, Bachelor's Degree
Profession Artistic / Musical
Income level that's private
Do you smoke? 420, no - open to dating smokers though
Do you drink? beer, socially, wine
I currently live with roommate(s)
Socially, I am comic relief, loner, shy at first, but warm up quickly
Political Views not interested in politics
Food Related BRAINS!!!, Caribbean, Chinese, Indian, Italian, Mediterranean, Mexican, Organic, Raw Food, Soul Food, Spicy, Sushi, Thai, Vegetarian
Personality artistic, flirt, hipster, introvert, loner, lover, punk, romantic, thrifty
Individuality artist, beard, clairvoyant, designer, freak, paranormal believer, psychic, tattoos, werewolf
Religious Views Not Religious, but Spiritual, Pagan, Wiccan
I'm looking for dating, miss right, relationship, romance, soulmate, the yin to my yang
My Sign capricorn : dec. 22-jan. 19, i was born in december
Pets No pets currently (but like them)
Gender Cisgender Male, Male
Music Death Metal, Hardcore, Heavy Metal, Metal, Punk, Relaxation and Meditation
Hair Style afro, curly, dreadlocks
Fitness & Sports cycling, skateboarding, yoga
Health Related herbalism, holistic treatment, meditation
Languages English
My Preferred Pronouns He/Him/His
Looking for
Hobbies & Interests acting, board games, comic books, cooking & recipes, cosplay, dancing, fleamarkets, gardening, history, music, nature, painting, photography, reading, sewing, writing
Their Body Type athletic, fit, skinny, slim, thick, voluptuous
Movies animation, fantasy, sci-fi
Orientation straight
Eye Color glass, green, hazel, black, blue, brown
Hair Color a little gray, auburn, bald, black, blond, dark brown, depends on the day of the week, light brown, red, white / gray
Their Ethnicity African American, Asian, Biracial, Caucasian, Hispanic / Latino, Indian, Inter-racial, Middle Eastern, Mixed Race, Multi-racial, Native American, Pacific Islander
Relationship single, single - never married
Have Kids no - and am unable to, no - definitely want them though, no - maybe with the right person, no - open to adoption
Their Education Level college grad
Profession Artistic / Musical
Income level that's private
Do they smoke? 420
Do they drink? beer, socially, wine
They currently live alone, with parents, with pets, with roommate(s)
Socially, they are a total freak, comic relief, flirt, loner, shy at first, but warm up quickly
Political Views not interested in politics
Food Related BRAINS!!!, Caribbean, Indian, Italian, Mediterranean, Mexican, Organic, Raw Food, Soul Food, Spicy, Sushi, Thai, Vegan, Vegetarian
Personality artistic, flirt, hipster, introvert, punk
Individuality actress, artist, designer, emo, freak, nudist, paranormal believer, piercings, psychic, sculptor, tattoos, vampire, werewolf
Religious Views Pagan, Wiccan
Miscellaneous HIV-
They are looking for dating, mr. right, romance, soulmate
Their Sign cancer : june 21-july 22, capricorn : dec. 22-jan. 19, pisces : feb. 19-march 20, taurus : april 20-may 20, virgo : aug. 23-sept. 22
Pets Cat, Cats, Dog, Dogs
Gender Cisgender Female, Female
Music Death Metal, Hardcore, Heavy Metal, Metal, Punk
Hair Style afro, bun, curly, dreadlocks, emo, french braid, long hair, mohawk, mullet, rattail, shaved head, straight, straightened
Fitness & Sports aerobics, cycling, gymnastics, hiking, jogging, pilates, pole dancing, skateboarding, volleyball, walking, working out, yoga
Languages German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Korean, Spanish, English, French
Their Preferred Pronouns She/Her/Hers

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