A Renaissance man Hi there ! I am an easy-going and open-minded person with a wide variety of intellectual interests (although I do not regard myself an "intellectual" (this sounds heavy and academic

in the strict sense of the word), who thrives on interesting conversations. I am seeker of truth and beauty, which I find only in the spirit. I have a well-developed aesthetic sensitivity, which allows me to appreciate beauty in the arts, in ideas, and also in people. I am a good friend and a good listener, who will be there for you when difficult times come along. I have a Ph.D. in physics, and a D.E.A. in philosophy (so you can tell that I am interested in these subjects). Some of my interests (I am a bookworm who devours books) are literature (I read mostly the classics: Shakespeare, Milton, Homer, Dante, Goethe, Tolstoy, d---ens, Cervantes, Dostoievski, etc. The most recent literature I read were some tragedies by Aeschylus), philosophy (from the Presocratics, Plato and Plotinus, Schelling, Schopenhauer, Bergson, Whitehead, Heidegger, etc.), classical music (although I also like music from around the world), opera (the latest one I saw was La Traviata), theatre, poetry, cinema (Fellini, Tarkovsky, Chaplin, Kurosawa, Bergmann, Kieslowski, etc.), art (my favourite is the Italian Renaissance which I learned to appreciate while I lived in Italy), spirituality (I am not religious, but I believe that ultimate freedom is of the spirit. I am also interested in the esoteric side of spirituality, things like alchemy and in Eastern religions), science (I am interested in heterodox things), traveling, nature, animals, etc. I also appreciate sense of humour, which is important. And I am quite romantic

I am a Spaniard, originally from Peru, living in Germany.