I apologize for the lame profile title, but I wasn't sure what else to put at the moment. As it states, I'm a gamer. I play all sorts of different games. I have a 360, PS3, Wii U, and a beastly gaming PC. I love to play games online. I used to play a lot of Halo, now I play a lot of games like BF4, Starcraft 2, Diablo 3, WoW, and a lot of other ones as well. I'm a Nintendo fanboy, so I will always love Mario and Zelda games and such.
I'm also kind of a movie buff. I like to watch a lot of movies. My favorite genre is comedy, but I also enjoy action movies and movies that will make me cry, like Stepmom, that movie made me cry hardcore. Yeah, I'm sensitive, it's a plus. I'm a big fan of screwball comedies like Mel Brooks and Airplane and all of them. I'm also a huge Star Wars fan, a LoTR fan, and a Harry Potter fan.
I like to watch TV shows. Some of my favorite shows are Friends, Seinfeld, Frisky Dingo, Archer, Scrubs, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Big Bang Theory, Modern Family, and probably some more.
I like anime. My favorite anime are Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Code Geass, Death Note, and some others.
I enjoy playing tennis, and I used to be pretty good at it. I played Varsity in high school, but I haven't played much since then.
I like a lot of different kinds of music, like ole skool rap, classic rock, and some modern pop and rock. I like such bands as ACDC, Rammstein, and I'm a pretty big Eminem fan.
I'm initially shy in person.
I'm looking for a girl who can share similar interests with me.
If you're interested, or you feel you might be potentially interested, or you potentially feel you might be potentially interested, it would behoove you to message me