I'm a cybergoth and a geek.
There ya go... That's me! Heh!
You want more? OK.
I'm a Linux, Unix & Winblows systems administrator. It's not as fun as it sounds... I work to live, not the other way around... (Heh, That rhymed!)
I love messing with computers n I'm a (or at least, used to be) regular at London2600.
I'm into all aspects of computer security and the various ways of getting around it.
I want to be an ethical hacker, but it's SOOOO damn had to get as a job...
I read lots. Mainly fantasy and Sci-fi, but now n then, the odd political or religious treaty... William Gibson is my favorite author, but there are many others that also do it for me.
I'm also a gamer. Played a bit of Warcraft & WAR, but didn't get too into it 'cos my ex would constantly nag me about being on the PC the whole time

I listen to a lot of different music, but it's mainly hard, heavy and electronic. Current faves are Combichrist and Funker Vogt.
I miss clubbing! I haven't been in nearly three years, but this is soon going to change. I also need to see more live bands.