Well, obviously I joined this sight because I know very damn well I'm a nerd and I'm proud of it.

I am a really quiet and shy person, but I will warm up to a person as I spend more time with them. I am quiet as in my vocal chords aren't able to produce very loud sounds like most other people's.

I'm a pretty sarcastic person and I don't like to be funny by telling jokes per se but I like to stick a comment into the middle of a conversation that might be percieved as funny. I am currently spending a year in Bolivia as an exchange student (for the mods: that's why my location says seattle and my IP says Santa Cruz, Bolivia) and I am learning a lot about myself and life and whatnot. Consult me for more details.

I'm into videogames (like a lot of the people on this site I'm sure) camping, hiking, fishing, stuff like that. I'm not a team-sports kinda guy but I am starting to get into soccer and I LOVE volleyball. I like to run, bike, and swim. I'm a bookworm also and I'll read any good book I'm given.

I've read the whole hitchhiker's guide series in a period of about a week and a half.

Umm some odd little knacks about me: I'm a conspiracy theory guy (as in I like to look them up and read about them but I am a skeptic

), I believe in intelligent extraterrestrial life and ghosts and all that stuff. I guess not much else; if you wanna talk to me send me a message.