I was a professional musician for a long time, and have recorded great music with great people, and I've toured the USA on many occasions and played in almost every major city in the union several times. It was a total blast, and I got a lot of American cultural experience. It was a truly fantastic opportunity for learning about many different kinds of people, across every walk of life that you can possibly imagine.
I have a good command of the English language (although I realize that I am hardly an English professor), and have attended enough college to have figured out that while I may not be Einstein, I ain't no dummy!

I am not a devout ANYTHING. I am an Agnostic, period. Religion is off of my radar entirely, and it's going to stay that way. However, whatever you have going in that department is very personal, and that's just fine with me. Please note, I am not an Atheist. I don't feel the need to actively hate religion.
I don't do magical or credulous thinking. Things like Faith Healers, Psychics, Homeopathy, Therapeutic Touch, Acupuncture, Chiropractic, magical "energy" fields (Chi, Innate Intelligence, a Soul, Prana, meridians, Thetans, etc), Quantum Theory (when used by self-help gurus rather than mathematicians), Self-Help (blame the victim) programs, UFO visitation and ion, vaccines causing Autism, Reptoids, big pharma conspiracy theories, Kangen Water, Crystals, "Super" Juices, Bigfoot, Ghosts, 9-11 conspiracy theories, scalar weapons, free energy devices that claim to break the laws of thermodynamics, etc. are all possible, like invisible flying pink unicorns. But the evidence for these things, like the evidence for the existence of invisible flying pink unicorns, is sorely lacking. Do you think before you "leap"'?