I dislike the bar scene.
You will have to like kids and pets. I love them all very dearly. I have quite the zoo happening at my house.

Besides being a single dad, I work as a field tech for a company that sells and service gas dispensers and pumps and such. The hours can vary from 30 to 60 in a week. I wish it would be more regular.
I love fantasy. I read alot of it, I play Dungeons and Dragons, and Shadowrun, and we are just starting a new one call Mutants and Masterminds (super hero role playing). Oh, I love anything super hero too. I love fantasy movies too. But Sci Fi, action, comedy, and romantic comedies are good too.
I like gardening, I have many rose bushes, and a couple of other flower beds, and a vegetable garden that is being taken over by the weeds.
By the way, my mind wonders sometimes and I have to be brought back on topic, or you can just wonder with me and we'll eventually get back to the original topic.

I am really looking for a friend that will eventually be something more. Some one I can trust with all of my secrets and will trust me with all of hers someday. Someone that is open to discussing anything honestly and openly. Its very important to me to have open lines of communication. I believe any relationship, be it friends or romantic has to be built on honesty and open communication.