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Queer Geeks UNITE

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February 8, 2013
Posts: 3

PostPosted:     Post subject: Queer Geeks UNITE
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Queer, questioning, trans, se---lly fluid, or anything else. Here is a place for all of you to meet people like yourself more easily.

I'll start.
I'm Emily.
I identify as bisexual, panromantic. I also go by queer. I prefer the pronouns she, her, hers. I'm not into "settling down". I'm poly-open but not necessarily polyamorous.

Your turn.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`Genderqueer, androsexual, grey-a, pretty sure I'm aromantic. Poly-open. I have no pronoun preference.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`I'm pan. I don't really consider gender in relationships.

Then again, I'm fairly inexperienced...

I also self-identify as "lazy transgendered". I'll try and explain

Basically I feel like I should have been born a woman, and I feel like I'm more female in terms of gender than male. However, gender doesn't really...matter to me? I mean, I care about it insomuch as social issues go, but outside of that I don't usually care what gender someone is. Nor do I care a lot for particularly gendered activities. To paraphrase Mary Wollstonecraft, if I were to act according to how my gender stipulates all the time I would go mad.

So I can't really be bothered getting a S-- change in order to feel slightly more comfortable. Especially when it's not something I really care about in regards to my identity.

It's a bit like ordering an MP3 player or an iPod and they send the wrong colour. Most people get the right one and they go about their lives happily, some get the wrong colour. Some of those who get the wrong colour call up the company and get it replaced with the right colour, some settle for a new colour that's similar or a sleeve that makes it look similar.

And I just really don't care about the colour of my MP3. Or my gender for that matter.

Come to think of it, I actually care about the colour of my MP3 player more. I was a little disappointed when the second one I got was navy blue, but maybe 'cause I have navy blue...

And I'm comfortable with the male pronoun and comfortable with the "male image". Though maybe it's just 'cause I have a real love for long hair and beards :3

So....that's me.

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February 12, 2021
Posts: 1

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 5:54 am    Post subject:
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Hi everyone my name is Lindsey I’m a lesbian nerd wheelchair user woman 36 new here for friends dating would great in future girlfriend but not my ultimate aim I believe love should happen organically with being friends first.
I’m from Uk I love Buffy and Chucky franchise.
Age 36.
Disability cerebral palsy
YouTube channel
Lindsey loves Blog

Cosplay yes.when possible
Tv Shows I love buffy dawsons creek super girl to name a few .

Hope to make friends hope here xoxo love Lindsey

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