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Joined: September 2, 2009
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Posted: Post subject: ZELDA!!!! |
HI!!! If you really like Zelda please come and be my friend XD
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Joined: April 2, 2010
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`I've only played Twilight Princess. How does it compare to the rest of the series?
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Joined: September 29, 2010
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`I'm ashamed to admit I've never beaten a SINGLE Zelda game...
I've enjoyed several, just haven't played one to the end.
Really looking forward to Skyward Sword though.
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 tooshortbraid (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`I enjoy Zelda but often I don't manage to get all the way through them since I pretty much suck at beating bosses and that kind of thing. I love the 'feel' of the series, though :p
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Joined: November 7, 2010
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`Love Zelda.
Played Zelda on the NES, the N64 (OoT & MM), Played the Oracal saga for GB
not so fond of the new ones like wind waker
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Joined: June 17, 2010
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i love zelda games since i 1st played them, although...
i could never figure out why, oh why, link can never, EVER talk...we know he can speak cause he makes, why...?
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 superindy08 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`I love Zelda! The only one that I've played all through out is The Wind Waker and the sequal to that one on the DS. The one I find completely confusing though is The Majora's Mask!! Gets me soo frusterated
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 alikakadri (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`LINK!!!! XD
I've played all of them, didn't beat them all, but I beat ALTTP, OOT, MM, TP, 4S, WW, PH. OOT and OOS broke down before I could beat them. I'm stuck in minish cap in the wind tower!!! (I must have missed something), finally got link's awakening but it hurts my eyes to play it on the game boy color X( so I only made a little progress on it
spirit tracks is sooo easy it got a little boring and I'll pick it back up eventually
OOT 3ds was easier than the original except I'm stuck on the boss for the shadow temple (OMG how'd that happen?!? I got through the rest so fast and all of a sudden I can't beat the drummer dude O_o even though I have the bigger quiver, the lense of truth, the max magic... )
and skyward sword comes out this weekend XD it's all paid for, gold wiimote and all!
I could never get anywhere in Link's adventure either
I just don't care for the 8bit one on the SNES... don't ask... got pretty far in it but... I prefer the later versions...
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 alikakadri (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
ataivaskathryn wrote: `I've only played Twilight Princess. How does it compare to the rest of the series?
well, you probably played more since your post, but if you enjoyed TP, I recommend you try Ocarina of Time and Majora's mask. They are the top LoZ games so far, and now Skyward Sword
but if you can also get your hands on minish cap or a link to the past, go for it!! :)
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Joined: November 23, 2011
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`I've played up to twlight princess OOTMQ is by far the best of them all
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Joined: November 24, 2011
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`Let's see... I've played Zelda, oracle of seasons and ages, Link to the past, OoT, Majora's Mask, Phantom Hourglass, Minish Cap, Twilight Princess and Windwaker... But I've only beaten OoT, Majora's Mask, and Twilight Princess... I would have beaten more if I had the systems.
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 varience (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`Zelda is my favorite game. I have played Legend of Zelda, The adventures of Link, A link to the past, OOT, Majora's Mask, twilight princess and Windwaker. The only one i did not beat was Majora's Mask
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 alikakadri (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
buyalemon wrote: `I've played up to twlight princess OOTMQ is by far the best of them all
~LOL~ not anymore Skyward Sword has OOTMQ beat!!!
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 jenocide (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
My favorite of the series is link to the past I've beat it over a dozen times and i still can't get enough of it.
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 terran89 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
jenocide wrote: My favorite of the series is link to the past I've beat it over a dozen times and i still can't get enough of it.
god know what you mean, cleared that game so many times and the 'hard mode' and could easily play it again right now. absolutely love that game to bits
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