Currently I am living in Delaware at school, but when not at school.. well.. i'm still in Delaware.. same area. Yeah- lame. Most of my family is from the Philly suburbs of PA (Marcus Hook, Ridley Park, etc), so whatever traces of affinity of I have for football are dedicated to the Eagles.
Anyway, I ( for the most part) suck at writing these things, so bear with me here.

Otherwise, i'm currently attending the University of Delaware, soon pushing into year three. I'm a huge music person, so be warned. I've played trumpet almost 12 years now, but recently just haven't been as into it with ensembles and the like. Otherwise, still listen to music quite avidly. I'll admit I indulge in popular music a bit, but for the most part stick to my favorites in the indie, punk, and classic rock genres. Notice country is not a part of my playlist, and yes- i'd like to keep it that way. Hard core rap is a no no too.
Personality wise, i've always been fairly easy to get along with.

In a guy, I just want someone laid back who is a little quirky.