i'm looking for love. simple as that. i've been married and through the heart ache of divorce but i'm not damaged or broken. i want to find the person that is right for me. i'm not looking for dates or friends. i'm looking for long term dating...im bisexual but extremely monogamous.. no couples or married people please.
i love gamecock football. that's about the only non nerdy thing about me...i love harry potter (so much so that i have a few tattoos that are hp themed)..i'm a doctor who nut...absolutely love it...also a huge fan of the walking dead and vampire diaries. i love to read and i'm quite crafty (i make hairbows and tutu dresses)
i'm hoping to find someone who will love my curves and not pick on me when i get excited about a comic convention in town. i enjoy staying at home but love going out if it's something fun. but i'm no outdoorsy girl.
i hope to find a perfect match! but i won't rule out friends...

no druggies, alcoholics or perverts please....also, im not a religious person so if you are uber religious, we wont get along...also, i want someone who is lgbt friendly. i have a handful of lgbt people in my life and don't want negative energy around them or me...