Some of my hobbies are playing games, mostly rpg, racing, horror and adventure (sometimes shooting or action) I love reading and watching anime, playing online and socializing as well especially on facebook or aim. If I'm not online or gaming, I love to take care of the children (wish to have some of my own someday ^.^), taking care of animals, writing poetry, reading up on something I don't know about or just listening to music and staying in my own magical land in my mind, lol XD.
Hmm... in a boy I'm looking for him to have the same interests as me and also some different so he can teach me something new. I want him to be happy with me and me be happy with him. No one who tries to outsmart me all the time, that gets annoying sometimes and sadly I do it sometimes too but I have learned to stop myself. I want him to be nice, creative and MUST be a gamer. This way he can understand my love for games. I'm not looking for much, just a great personality, a new beginning and someone who wants a long term relationship and maybe wants to go further. So if you are that one just message me.