Did I mention I'm a NERD?!? I'm focused, driven, but caring. I participate in a weekly board gaming night, and a ladies knitting night on occasion (I know, very domestic), but I'm looking for the guy. You know THE guy. The one who is willing to drive to Pinks with me at 1am because we feel the need for a "lord of the rings" hot dog. The one who is happy being a homebody and playing some Wow together or watching the Office.
This would be great if my one major fear in life wasn't birds. Especially seagulls. They've stolen my ice cream in the past. It's not a lie.
I love to argue semantics. Stubborn or "Dedicated" - They both describe me. I do attend Ren Fairs, and make my own costumes, but I refuse to speak in the "old tongue" beyond a customary "Huzzah" with my mead.
My current favorite phrase is Pedantic Anarchy. We'll see how long it lasts in rotation. I have also been known to say things like Spiffy, Nifty, and the aforementioned Huzzah.
I don't play the "girl/guy" types of games, and I'll be honest. I've never been married, but want to be. I have no kids, but yeah. I'd like those too.
For now though, if you just want to message me to wish me a good day or tell me I'm cute, that would be a start.