I have recently recovered from a long term illness so my social life has been rather lacking, and I thought this could be fun. I am a keen runner, amateur astronomer, reader of trashy crime novels and general arty person. I live in the middle of nowhere with my family and three dogs but have recently bought my first car, so often escape from the back of beyond. Being several miles from the nearest streetlight has it's advantages - I can see the Milky Way from my back garden, and I often take my telescope out there. I keep myself pretty busy but it's a bit boring on my own, so maybe you would like to get in touch and come stargazing with me! I'm not really looking for specific characteristics in a partner - just someone I click with and can have fun with would be great.
(by the way, I think the 'choose a weight' thing is pretty insulting - but for the record, I'm slim-normal