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your worst date!

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former member default image - bird flying away

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Tell me about your worst date.

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former member default image - bird flying away

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ok ive had a few bad dates.
this was my worst.

ok i talked to this guy on the comp for a year or so. We became friends and he always flirted with me. i talked on the phone with him every now and then. well we had stopped talking for a few months and then he messaged me one day and asked if i wanted to go on a date with him. i told him sure and i told him where i lived. well i was thinking that he was tall and fit and was really i was so wrong. when he got to my house he was shorter then me and he was covered from head to toe with tattoos and piercings. i no he had some tattoos & piercings but not that much lol. i guess i was looking at the wrong guy in the picture. he never corrected me either. we went to the movies and i wasnt liking this guy at all. i just watched the movie then all of a sudden he kissed me. i was like eeww and yes i said it. lol
after the movie he asked if i wanted to go somewheres else and i just told him i had to go home. god that date was the worst.

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former member default image - bird flying away

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Hmm, well this isn't really a date, but my whole dating life has sucked. My first boyfriend of three and a half years cheated on me with someone he met on the internet. They've never met in real life, but they send each other presents all the time. One gift she sent him was $150 worth of stuff and this last Christmas he sent her a personalized crystal etching of the two of them hugging. He started reading The Book of Mormon and seeing missionaries, because she's Mormon. He never read the Bible for me or even goes to church with me. They flirt constantly and when I'd point it out, he'd get very defensive and scream at me. Finally he told me the topic was off limits completely because he was tired of hearing me "complain" about it. So I finally told him I couldn't date him anymore. Between having no ambition, not taking care of himself (he had the worst hygiene ever; he hated the smell of deodorant so didn't use it even though he smelled. He also rarely brushed his teeth so they are all yellowy and usually had food stuck in them), he did drugs, he was emotionally abusive and finally admitted to being a pathological liar.

Why did I ever date such a loser? I feel like such a loser after reading that...

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May 19, 2008
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`Mein Freund i have had luck worse than any man women or god could imagine... my first ex stabbed me in the stomach (in her defense it was an accident though so that one im not as upset about) after that one cheated on me with my best friend, after that.... well that was a two year relationship that widdeled me into an emotional wreck, she had tried to take me from all my friends. she tried to hit me... but she hit like a 2 year old with jello for bones... you know until she threw me down a flight of stairs... tried to break up with her quite a few times, but would often play on my gentlemanly nature and my hero complex (ie something horrible would always happen to her and she would cry) but after throwing me down the stairs i had decided it was over.... and then she refused to leave my house till i took her back... it was then two of my friends (one of them is the one i mentioned earlier who slept with one of the girls i was dating but forgave) actually kicked my basement door off the hinges and threw her out of my house... it was like from a freakin action movie i swear... but ya i had a few other crappy ones after that but nothin too interestin... just got bad luck i guess

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October 3, 2011
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September 10, 2012
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I had a good friend whose boyfriend broke up with her a week before prom so she asked me if i would go with her. So after discussing it with my girlfriend I agreed to go. All week i was rushing to get a tux clean my car buy a flower thingy and make reservations for us to eat which i'm proud to say i accomplished. So i pick her up and she looks absolutely beautiful we take pictures and that whole bit then head to grab some chow.
Things go great there though she's pretty bummed about her ex she manages to have a good time we talk and have a few laughs i give her my jacket because she's cold. We leave there and head to prom the ride got really weird because while i'm driving she reaches over and holds my hand. This was a bit unsettling because she knows i have a girlfriend but i let it go after being dumped i figured maybe she just needed some comfort though honestly it felt good and i didn't know scam out of that without hurting her feelings. So we get to prom talk to friends have some drinks at this point i'm avoiding dancing with her (do to the whole holding hands thing) but after everyone leaves out on the dance floor it just seemed kinda weird to be the only two sitting so reluctantly i ask her to dance.
After two fast paced lively songs that we can have fun with my heart sank as the dreaded and oh so cliche' "slow" song comes on. She comes in i assume the position and we rock back n forth in time to the rhythm. She lays her head on my chest (as she is quite short) and starts talking about "us" as in she and I as in we should "be together" as of that moment i felt really really really guilty i felt that i had allowed this to happen by holding her hand and just agreeing to this whole thing i also felt really guilty because i had assured my girlfriend this was completely innocent just a friend being there for a friend and now it seemed as if fate itself was conspiring against me. So i step back slightly and lift her face with my hands so that i can look her in the face and she steps in and kisses me right on the mouth! I was caught off guard and reflexively pushed her face away from mine with my hands which by the way made me look like a complete @ssh*le. The look on her face btw was complete horror as if i had like slapped her or something. I quickly explained that i didn't mean to i was just trying to get her to look me in the eyes so i could tell her that this was not the way to do this i had a girlfriend and she was asking me to betray that. Needless to say she was pretty pissed and demanded i take her home "right now" she accused me of leading her on saying that i knew how she felt about me and that i should have said something sooner. The ride back to her house however was completely silent and uncomfortable as hell. Now that may not sound like the worst date ever but i'll have you know that because of that one date i lost a good friend and my girlfriend also she was dating the guy that dumped her a week later.

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former member default image - bird flying away

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`Well my worst date isn't as bad as others, but I went on a date - dinner and drinks - with a guy and found out we had absolutely nothing in common and it was very awkward. He got mad because I stopped talking to him and I explained that we didn't have anything in common and he felt used because he paid for dinner. I told him I would send him my part of the bill if it really mattered. We stopped talking after that.

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former member default image - bird flying away

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`My worst date was with a woman who turned out to be a crab.

I have a lot of trouble distinguishing the difference between humans and crabs...

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former member default image - bird flying away

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I once went on a first date(somewhat of a blind date) with a guy who took me to this cool restaurant attached to a mall. We walked around and browsed for a while first and at one point he bought a Michael Jackson shirt which brought up the moment to mention his intense Michael Jackson obsession-okay, manageable-so when we finally went to eat, he spent all the "conversation" talking about his accomplishments and basically building himself up. He didn't pay for me-which though much appreciated and shows chivalry-is totally fine, but then starts talking about how he's so poor and is low on money right now. Poor enough to pass on paying for a date, but he'll sure look mighty fine in that Michael Jackson shirt he just bought

Also on the way there, he tried to convince me to go to the beach instead and said he'd buy me a bikini (even with the very little money he had! So considerate. A saint.) Really? Again, not terrible, but it seemed a bit skeevy to me, having just met.

And it's alright Keith. We've all been there....

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former member default image - bird flying away

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`My worst date was when one of my friends set me up on a date with her co worker. He seemed so nice but when we went to the movies he started to touch me, so im like "Stop, I dont want to be touched" then he stopped. 5 min later, he put his hands on m thigh. I slapped it off and said "Dude I dont know you like that and I'm not gonna tell you again." 10 mins later, he went back to my thigh and I didnt say nothing. I broke his nose and left the theater.

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